Thursday, July 26, 2007

Life Time Free Web Proxy - (

L-T is a web-based anonymous proxy, powered by PHProxy, which allows you to bypass all firewalls. Unlike all other proxies, we do not make you install a software, you just have to type the URL below and start surfing. This proxy will hide your IP Address, so you can surf securely and privately. It allows you to access myspace in school and workplace so it can be consider as a myspace proxy, or free web proxy, or anonymous web proxy.

How / Why would you use it

It is simple and easy. For instance, you are at a workplace. You want to go to a website, but it is blocked by your employer, but you are free and want to go there. No matter what type of site it. Suppose you want to play games, but the website is blocked. This is when life time free web proxy ( Comes in play. Not only in workplace, but in schools. As a lot of you have been trying to get to google images. I know it is blocked in U.S. where I live. Just for educational purposes life time free web proxy ( is great.
Steps how to use it
- Type the url (
- You will see a form on the page in the content area.
- Type your designated URL in the box where it says url
- Click the button blow which says anonymize
- Start surfing.

Proxies are commonly used for several reasons: security, load balancing, data caching in order to reduce bandwidth demands, and censorship or filtering. Filtering proxies insulate you from objectionable elements of Webpages such as cookies, ad banners, dynamic content like Javascript, Java Applets and ActiveX controls. Some anonymous proxies encrypt your Web communications, protecting you from routine monitoring or even dedicated surveillance. Comparing and contrasting the various features can be confusing.

There are many proxies out there, but there are a lot of ads on those proxies, as you see life time free web proxy does not fill their page with ads, and it is running lighting fast.

Why else would you use Life time free web proxy (

Do you own a site?? Want more traffic? Proxies are the best way to advertise. Life time free web proxy ( provide both free and paid advertising. Here is how you can get free advertising.
- Visit our toplist site at
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- Add your site in the most appropriate category.
- Add a link back to your site for ranking
- You 'll receive a lot of traffic.

We also offer paid advertising like banner spot, and button links. Our links are site wide. You can ask for paid advertising and send your offers via our support forum

Don't Hesitate, Visit our Site now, for anonymous access
Spread the words around.


Syed Balkhi (Admin of life time free web proxy)
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Starting Web development

Web developing is becoming a booming industry nowadays. More and more

people are attracted to PHP and ASP scripts to simplify or modify

their existing websites as well as new development projects.

Webmasters now prefer dynamic websites, which can take their own

decisions and work out according to the situations which arises.

There was a time when we used to play around with static HTML pages,

but now those days are gone. Even a newbie who steps on the internet

to become a webmaster or a web developer knows the importance of

Server side languages.

The main reason of writing this article was to bring in new tips and

help the newbies to learn the languages which are burning the charts

right now. The most valuable resource tht can be found on the

internet is the google itself. And when you want to look for

tutorials and tips or are having problems in remembering some

particular function then is the place to look at.

You can also find many resources like free scripts, tools and tips on

scripts repositories like, and other
Web Scripts database which has listings of php scripts, asp scripts,

cgi scripts and javascripts too.

To get started download some ebook on your favorite scripting

language and install a localserver on your PC to save your time. It

surely pays off.
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Top 3 Reasons Google Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites

To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know primary how this troubles.

The intellection is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java longhand into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will weed advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should so be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the query weapon for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display subject matter-fine and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of leak search engines are providing and are more centered in making wherewithal from these query machineries.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for subject sites is because it already has enter a long way in kind the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continued progression is the appearance of more cutting edge organization that grants full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to extract from profuse incomparable types of subject ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

The disparate formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more visit through from visitors who may or may not be up on of what they are clicking on. It can as well appeal to the people appointmenting thus make them take that next impression of appearing up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their gist read and making profit in the way.

The other reason is the facility of the Adsense publishers to footstep not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The neoteric improvements in the find machineries gives webmasters the efficiency to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and browse-washed-up proportions. Web masters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a HTML documents. Movements are also easily spotted.

With the unaffected-epoch reporting at hand, the strength of the changes made will be assessed dexterously. There would be era to battery out the subject matter that people are making the most beats on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing site administrators to group web pages by URL, specialty, ad persuasion or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The outermost and final lucidity is that the advertisers have realized the helps associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an lookout in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having lucrative and banknote-generating web sites.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your substance is, the more target the search engines' ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them averagely than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when general public were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers saw how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the greater important factors that is taken quite vigorously. It still is. With the engagingness of specie, of course.
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Moving To The Next Level With Adsense

When you first start promoting Adsense on your site, the potential is obvious. After a few months, however, you need to move to the next level to maximize revenues.

Moving To The Next Level With Adsense

When it comes to Adsense optimization, most will talk about different ad sizes and colors. These can make a difference, but the biggest and best enhancement has everything to do with placement.

Assume you are reading the sports page or some other part of the paper one morning. The page is full of images, text and advertisements. What do you see? Typically, you first read the headlines and look at the images. After that, you either read a story of interest or turn the page.

You will note that I didn't mention looking at advertisements. This is because you will have developed a filter over time that causes you to ignore the ads on the pages. In practical terms, this is the equivalent of Pavlov's dogs, but backwards. You know the ads are in certain areas and you just tend to avoid them naturally so you can focus on why your team is losing, you stock bombed or the latest scandal. This concept applies to the web as well.

People inherently avoid advertisements on web pages including Adsense ads. The number one Adsense improvement you can make is to move your ads. Should you place your ads at the top? The bottom? The side columns? The answer to all of these questions is absolutely not. Here comes the secret [drum roll].

The best location for your ads is in the middle of the page. For most sites, this means between the paragraphs of text on a page. Few sites take this approach, so readers are not conditioned to skip over the ads. Since Adsense ads track with the keywords on the page, this position is a gold mine because the ads are read by the visitor as the naturally move down the page. If they naturally read it, a higher percentage of them will click through and that is good news for your revenues.

There are a lot of tips on how to generate more revenue with Adsense. When you cut through the riff raff, however, the placement of your ads is everything. Try it and see.

Halstatt Pires is with - providing internet marketing services.
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Pay For Action Adsense � A Fundamental Problem

Ever inventive, Google has been sending out emails to select Adsense publishers regarding a new pay for action program. This is bad news for publishers promoting Adsense.

Pay For Action Adsense � A Fundamental Problem

If you are reading this, you probably know what Adsense is and are using it. If not, it is a program whereby Google allows sites to place ads from the Adwords program on their site. When a visitor to your site clicks one of the ads, you get a cut of the bid price from Google. It is a simple program that surprisingly generates a significant amount of revenue.

Google is now beta testing a new version of Adsense it is calling pay for action. While Google is not providing much information, the program apparently is an attempt to convert Adsense into one giant affiliate program. Instead of paying publishers for clicks on ads, the program will only pay a commission if a person clicks on one of the ads on your site and takes the relevant action on the advertiser's site. In this case, it appears the action is buying whatever is offered or becoming a lead. In exchange for killing the click revenue aspect of Adsense, you apparently get a cut off the commission for whatever revenue is generated by the advertiser from your traffic.

There are a number of problems with this approach. First, Google offers no explanation of how it will account for sites that list phone numbers for orders, a method used by customers that Google can't hope to track. Second, Google has offered no indication of how revenues will be generated from sites offering services such as lawyers, doctors and so on. A vast majority of people clicking onto these sites will telephone or email the business, which makes tracking a very difficult game. Admittedly, the program is in beta testing, so Google may come up with solutions for all of these issues. There is, however, a more fundamental problem.

The pay for action program contains one inherent flaw. It eliminates the motivation of the advertiser to have a good, fast site that converts and proper customer service. All indications are the advertisers will be able to use the platform for free and only pay commissions to Google which are split with us, the publishers. If so, what motivation does the advertiser have to improve their site? What motivation does the advertiser have to satisfy customers? In my honest opinion, the answer is very little. Yes, they want to get more sales, but what do they really care if they are getting a bunch of free traffic?

If I told you I would send you 100,000 visitors a day and you had to pay me a commission only on sales, how much would you work to improve the site? Be honest. Perhaps you would work on it for a month or so, but after that human nature would take over. We all know of sites out there that haven't been touched in years because they have so many affiliates producing tons of traffic that they can just kick back and collect cash.

I fully understand that Google is trying to deal with click fraud, click bots and so on. Perhaps the pay for action program will be the solution when it is ultimately finalized. Perhaps it will be the greatest thing since, well, Google. My experience, however, is that a majority of affiliate programs are iffy at best, otherwise I would be promoting them instead of Adsense!

Again, it is to early to draw any conclusions regarding Google's move, but people with Adsense ads on their site should take notice. This is a fundamental change that redistributes the risks and benefits of the Adsense program. I bet Yahoo is salivating about the prospects for its Publisher Network if Google goes ahead. Personally, I planned to stay with Adsense for as long as it was offered, but have my doubts now. If I wanted to partner with other sites, I would have done it a long time ago.

Halstatt Pires is with - providing internet marketing services.
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Tag and Ping Your Way to More Website Traffic

What are called Social Bookmarking sites are websites that organize their content using tags, instead of a directory structure like Yahoo. A typical social bookmarking site is

Social Bookmarking is an increasingly popular way to locate and classify websites. Instead of one editor categorizing sites in a directory, tagging takes a populist approach. The more people who tag a website with a keyword, the more likely it is that other people will see those tags and social bookmarks, and also visit the site.

Instead of paying to be listed at the top of search rankings, social bookmarking lets people decide what are the best websites associated with a certain keyword.

At least in theory.

The process can be gamed to some extent. Dozens of accounts at social bookmarking sites can be created for the purpose of creating tags listing a particular website.

There is also the problem with misspellings and people using misleading tags to associate with a web page.

However, since creating tags is still for the most part a manual, tedious process, athis greatly reduces the likelihood of widespread bookmarking spam. Moreover, a complaint from those using a service can cause such spam to be quickly deleted.

A tag is basically a keyword. It is a label that you categorize a website under.

The tags act as a way to quickly find your bookmarks without remembering where you put them. This is why the bookmark sites allow you to assign more than one tag.

You can also share your personal bookmarks with the public. This is where the term social in social bookmarking comes into play. When you bookmark a site other people can also find the site that you bookmarked if they enter the same tag that you classified the site under.

Tags can also be included in blog posts. This also helps the sites find web content that is being categorized by a certain keyword.

There are two general ways this increases traffic to your website.

First, people using social bookmarking websites search on a keyword. When your site, tagged with that keyword, comes back in the results, that link to your site can be clicked on to bring the person to your website.

Second, since the social bookmarking tags can themselves be tagged by others, some tag pages will become authoritative resources for the best websites. What this means is that a page of tags for sites about, for example, 'polar bears' may become so valuable that webmasters will link to that page on the social bookmarking website as a resource about 'polar bears'.

In short, this gives the social bookmarking tags page a good page rank. Being linked to, or tagged, from such authoritative pages increases the value of your website to some search engines, particularly Google. In turn, this will bump your website up the search listings.

Brian Kindsvater has been marketing online since 1994 and his new Social Bookmarking profit site can be found at

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Creating a Website. How easy is it?

My brother's wife is creating a website and she has asked me to come to her house to guide her through the process. She is extremely aggravated by the process and she seems very confused and frustrated. I agreed to give her a hand, but I really do not know that much about creating a website myself. I was flattered that she thought that I did know how to create a webpage, but I was not sure why she thought that I had experience with it.

I came to the sudden realization that my sister in law is under the impression that I am efficient at creating a website because she has visited my blog. I think that she is confusing blogs with websites. I may know how to set up a blog but this does not qualify me to tutor someone on creating a webpage. I have come to the realization that many people do not understand the difference between a blog and a webpage.

I am not sure if I understand the difference between creating a blog and creating a website, but I'm going to give it a shot. Actually I have trouble describing the difference between a blog and a website. A blog is a kind of online journal. The person who creates the blog posts short articles, pictures and various entries to give the blog some depth. There is little work in creating a blog. Blogs are free and very user friendly and I am quite comfortable with the format.

I imagine that there is significantly more work involved in creating a website. After all, there are professionals who work full time in the field of web design. I did suggest that my sister-in-law should use a service like Bravenet in her attempts at creating a website. Bravenet has everything a lay person needs to get started and it has a lot of information and technical support. I am going to walk her through the steps as they are presented by Bravenet and see if we can work together in creating a website.

If all goes well, I may even create a website of my own. For now, I am going to stick to blogging. Like I said, blogs are user-friendly and they are free. I really do not need anything else right now. In the future, I may call my sister-in-law to see if she can help me when I try my hand at creating a website on my own. Hopefully, she will get me moving in the right direction.

Creating a Website - How easy is it?

Vita Vee.
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Creating a Website. How easy is it?

My brother's wife is creating a website and she has asked me to come to her house to guide her through the process. She is extremely aggravated by the process and she seems very confused and frustrated. I agreed to give her a hand, but I really do not know that much about creating a website myself. I was flattered that she thought that I did know how to create a webpage, but I was not sure why she thought that I had experience with it.

I came to the sudden realization that my sister in law is under the impression that I am efficient at creating a website because she has visited my blog. I think that she is confusing blogs with websites. I may know how to set up a blog but this does not qualify me to tutor someone on creating a webpage. I have come to the realization that many people do not understand the difference between a blog and a webpage.

I am not sure if I understand the difference between creating a blog and creating a website, but I'm going to give it a shot. Actually I have trouble describing the difference between a blog and a website. A blog is a kind of online journal. The person who creates the blog posts short articles, pictures and various entries to give the blog some depth. There is little work in creating a blog. Blogs are free and very user friendly and I am quite comfortable with the format.

I imagine that there is significantly more work involved in creating a website. After all, there are professionals who work full time in the field of web design. I did suggest that my sister-in-law should use a service like Bravenet in her attempts at creating a website. Bravenet has everything a lay person needs to get started and it has a lot of information and technical support. I am going to walk her through the steps as they are presented by Bravenet and see if we can work together in creating a website.

If all goes well, I may even create a website of my own. For now, I am going to stick to blogging. Like I said, blogs are user-friendly and they are free. I really do not need anything else right now. In the future, I may call my sister-in-law to see if she can help me when I try my hand at creating a website on my own. Hopefully, she will get me moving in the right direction.

Creating a Website - How easy is it?

Vita Vee.
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The Beaches of Puerto Vallarta

The beaches in and around Puerto Vallarta may be the most diverse in Mexico. Located at the midpoint of Banderas Bay, the area surrounding Puerto Vallarta boasts 34 miles of coastline, 26 of which are sandy beaches. Within the city, the beaches are elegant and pristine, bordered by restaurants and resorts. Beaches to the north of the city tend to be longer and wider, with great opportunities for surfing and swimming. South of Puerto Vallarta, the mountains topple into the sea in places, creating placid coves and intimate sandy pockets.

Playa Los Muertos is the most frequented beach in Puerto Vallarta. This sandy beach is long and wide with small waves perfect for swimming. Despite its popularity, there is usually plenty of room to spread out a towel and soak up rays. Los Muertos is a bustling place full of craft and food vendors; the beach itself is lined by numerous resorts, restaurants and bars. This is also a great place to ride a parasail and get a bird's eye view of the city. The beach has the added attraction of being on the edge of Viejo Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta's beautiful old town.

Several other beautiful beaches lie in close proximity to the city's Hotel Zone. Playa El Saldo, also known as Marina Vallarta, primarily caters to hotel guests. However, the beach is wide and well-maintained, offering stunning views of the city and its mountainous backdrop. Playa Pelicanos is generally quiet, making it a great place to escape the beach crowds while remaining in the heart of the city. Playa Las Glorias is the name of the sandy stretch between Playa Pelicanos and Marina Vallarta. If you're staying in a hotel north of the primary Hotel Zone, you will find this excellent swimming beach outside your back door.

North of the city, the beach of Nuevo Vallarta offers a wider stretch of sand with fewer rocks than most beaches within Banderas Bay. As favorites of families, visitors to Playa Destiladeres and Playa Bucerias can expect mild waves (perfect for boogie-boarding or learning to surf), elegant white sand beaches and fresh seafood at charming palapa-shaded restaurants.

To the North, Punta Mita, also known as Playa Anclote, is distinguished for its row of pleasant beach restaurants and gentle slope, making it a perfect beach for all ages. With consistently low, rolling waves, Punta Mita is also celebrated as an excellent place to learn to surf. There are even a few surfing schools that offer instruction to travelers.

For those with more experience on the waves, the tiny community of Sayulita is the place of choice. A surfing mecca of international renown, the shoreline of this picturesque fishing village is home to abundant coves and beaches where surfers hunt perfect waves and day trippers relax in the sun. As Sayulita has developed over the past few years into a surfer's town with a bohemian feel, travelers will be treated to a refreshing, laid-back attitude.

A few miles beyond the northern-most point of the bay are the beaches of San Francisco and San Pancho. Sporting a windswept and primitive feeling, with deeper, creamier sand and rougher waters than inside Banderas Bay, these beaches are ideal for travelers who want a taste of pristine nature and the open sea.

� �

To the south of Puerto Vallarta lie such treasures as Playa Gemelas, Playa Garza Blanca, and Playa Punta Negra. Because both are slightly more difficult to access, you'll find beautiful beaches that are fairly secluded and scarcely used, with great rock outcroppings for snorkeling. In this area, you'll also find Playa Mismaloya, where John Huston's The Night of the Iguana was filmed in 1963, putting Puerto Vallarta on the international tourist map.

With a rustic South Seas feel, Boca de Tomatlan is a small sandy cove at the jungle's edge three miles south of Mismaloya where the Tomatlan River meets the bay. Boca de Tomatlan is the last beach stop on the primary road heading south from Puerto Vallarta. It is another great site for swimming or snorkeling with a couple of lovely beach restaurants where you can sit under a palapa on the beach and enjoy fresh seafood.

To the south of Boca de Tomatlan are a number of quaint fishing villages, secluded beaches and peaceful coves. Playas Las Caletas and Las Animas are elegant, rock-lined stretches ideal for quiet relaxation. Quimixto, one of the largest fishing villages in the southern half of Banderas Bay, features a number of excellent restaurants and the best surf south of Puerto Vallarta. Near the southern-most point of the bay, Majahuitas and Yelapa allow visitors to feel completely removed from civilization. Bordered by lush jungles, these beaches are the definition of tropical privacy.�

This article was written by Justin Burch. Justin writes select pieces about travel in Mexico for the CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort. -

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Learn How To Download Files Over The Internet

If you're new to computing, then there's probably a lot about your computer that you're not familiar with. Perhaps you're only able to write a letter in your word processor or Maybe play an occasional game of Solitaire. and that's ok. I mean, who doesn't like Solitaire? But you know your PC is capable of so much more. One of the best things about having a computer and a high speed internet connection is having the ability to download files, whether they're games, applications, or whatever. Now I'll try my best to stay away from anything controversial (i.e. downloading illegal music or movies). We'll just keep everything on the up and up here. I doubt you'd want the FBI busting down your door anyway. Even so, there's still a lot you can download to put that sleek computer of yours to good use. What you'll find here are the basic steps of how to download a file from a web site. I know it looks like a lot, but it really goes pretty fast. Trust me. you'll finish this process a lot faster than it took me to write it.

Steps For Downloading

1. Open your browser and go to a web site containing files you'd like to download. Tip: Try Downloads.Com.

2. Find a file to download and click the title if it's a link or find an associated link that says something like Download or Download Now.

3. A dialogue box will appear with the option to Save. Click on the Save button. Another dialogue box will then appear.

4. Click once inside the Save In box. It's located near the top.

5. Use your arrow keys to select the (C:) drive.

6. Below the Save In box is a box that contains various files and folders. These are files that are stored on your C: drive. Cclick once on any of those files.

7. Create a category folder to place the file in. To do this, press the Context Menu key on your keyboard. This is the third key to the right of the spacebar. A small pop-up menu will appear on your screen. Select the option labled New. Then choose the option labled Folder from the sub-menu.

8. Notice that there's now a highlighted item named New Folder along with a blinking cursor. Give your folder a name here. Choose a name that makes sense to you and fits with the type of program you're downloading. For instance, if the file you're downloading is a video game, then you might want to name the folder Games. Press Enter.

9. The new folder you created should be highlighted. If it isn't, just click it once with your mouse. Press Enter to open the folder.

10. you're now inside the folder. Create another folder here. Repeat step 6, only this time, name the folder with the name of the program you're downloading. If it's called�Super Anti-Virus Defender, then give the folder the same name.

11. Double-click the folder to open it.

12. Look at the Save As box, located near the bottom of this window. The name of the file you're downloading should be displayed. Click on the Save button to begin the download.

13. A status window will appear. Once the download is finished, you'll see a message that says "Download Complete" and you'll have the option to open the folder containing the file you downloaded or the option to close the status window.

(Note: The status window also includes a check-box that says "Close When Download Complete". If this box is checked off, the status window will automatically close when the download is finished, in which case you'll have to use Windows Explorer to double-check if the file downloaded correctly. If the box is unchecked, then the status window will remain open.

And there you have it. As Porky Pig was so fond of saying, "that's all folks.", minus the stuttering of course. This was one in a series of articles known as Back To Basics. If you'd like to hear the audio version of this article and follow along with me as I explain the things described here, then please feel free to visit SpotOn Living.Com and click on the link labled Back To Basics.
Author: Michael Guajardo
Web Address:
Article Source: Back To Basics Page
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How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Targeted Web Site Traffic Today

If you're seriously interested in knowing about "How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Targeted Web Site Traffic", you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Targeted Web Site Traffic.

Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Targeted Web Site Traffic? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs?

More and more webmasters have the recurring dilemma on how to increase the flow of web site traffic in their websites. During the past few years many methods that been developed to solve this predicament. While most of them would work there are those that would not make even a small impact.

One of the methods that have spawned many success stories in driving targeted web site traffic into websites is viral marketing. Viral marketing makes use of the tendency of a person to share something to find informative, entertaining or amazing.

Many companies bank on this behavior to spread their products and increase the popularity of their company or their website. Viral marketing makes use of many mediums in enticing this behavior. It might be in the form of an interesting story, an addicting flash game, an amusing video and many others that may catch a person's fancy.

This ingenious form of marketing is typically low cost and is a wonderful tool for any company to utilize. The benefit greatly overshadows the cost or efforts to initialize this marketing scheme. Any website would greatly benefit that viral marketing.

Tell A Friend Script

One of the easiest methods in viral marketing is using a tell a friend script. This is a simple programming script that you can attach to the programming of your website. Generally, tell a friends script are installed in pages where a media is placed so that a person can easily send the media to any of his friends or his family members.

The basic concept of a tell a friend script is a script wherein a person may input his name, e-mail address, the recipient's e-mail address and send the media to the intended recipient much like an e-mail with an attachment. As the recipient receives the e-mail he wouldn't think of the mail a spam mail because he would see the sender's name as someone he or she knows and trust.

Tell a friend script eliminates greatly the chances of being blocked because they use the information inputted by the sender. This allows for wider spreading of this marketing method. It can be quite sneaky but it is very effective.

With the e-mail sent and opened the sent media will either be read, viewed or played. Also along with the mail would be a brief description of the company or site that sponsors the media sent. This allows for the introduction of either the site, company name or its products. The along with it is another tell a friend script.

Then the process begins again. As more people use the tell a friend script, more and more people will know of the existence of the sponsoring company or site. People who read the ads inside the mail who liked what they see would go and click on the link and visit the site. This drives traffic into the site resulting to great number of potential customers.

Tell A Friend Script Availability

A tell a friend script is very simple and does not require a complicated method of programming. In fact, you can copy paste a script and simply put it on an intended page. Finding one is even simpler. All you have to do is go to a search engine and type in the search box "tell a friend script" then press enter or click go.

In the search results page you will see many links that will direct you to a site where you can get a tell a friend script. It would just be a simple matter of looking and searching for the script and copying it to your intended web page.

With a tell a friend script viral marketing strategy you can drive targeted web site traffic into your site which could potentially spell profits. This is a simple harmless script that offers great benefits for low cost paired with great creativity and foresight.

It is imperative that you have patience in using a tell a friend script. If your chosen media doesn't get the mileage that is expected of it, it may take some time before it gets spread or shared. But surely many people will see your ads and there is great probability that they will visit your site increasing your traffic flow.

This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

Sinta is a Full Time Adsense Publisher and She Makes her
living from Adsense. She is passionate about sharing her Adsense Knowledge:
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5 Surefire Ways to Generate Online Revenue

5 Surefire Ways to Generate Online Revenue

The following paragraphs summarize the work of Online Revenue experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of Online Revenue. Heed their advice to avoid any Online Revenue surprises.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about Online Revenue. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Let's face it . . .

We're in it for the money. Oh sure, marketing can be fun, but when it all comes down to it, none of us would be going through the trouble if there wasn't money to be made at it.

Now for some, money seems to flow their way without restraint. Not doubt you've heard how some people make thousands of dollars every day, automatically, without much effort at all. In fact, some claim to make, what appears to be an unrealistic amount of money in online marketing.

Whether some claims are unreal or not, there truly is an unlimited amount of income that can be earned over the Internet each and every day, if you know how to get it.

So how does one generate the kind of money many of these claimants seem to make in marketing?

First off, you need to know that only very few make enormous amounts of money from one single niche market. Most marketers have multiple niches they work which all add up to the great incomes they claim.

The days of making huge cash windfalls from a single campaign went the way of the "how to market" gurus. Unless someone comes up with a breakthrough product that knocks everyone off their feet, most of us have a very slim chance of bringing in the big money from this form of mass marketing.

Having said that, we can now look at the five basic ways you can generate revenue with a smaller scale, targeted or niched market strategy.

1. Writing and marketing your own products:

Creating your own ebooks still can be effective as long as you keep away from the "How To Market" arena. A good writer can produce ebooks on various targeted material derived from keyword searches. Find out what people are searching for most and write about it.

2. Marketing via a Reseller's Rights Package:

If you're not good at writing, you might consider selling other people's products. There are numerous ebooks that come with reseller's rights, some give it to when you purchase the ebook, others require and additional fee for the right to sell it. Once you have the reseller's rights, you can market these products and keep 100% of the profits.

3. Promoting Affiliate Program Products:

Affiliate Programs like ClickBank let you promote thousands of products as their affiliate. Most ClickBank affiliate commissions range from 35% to 70%. Many of the products are based on Internet marketing, but there are plenty of non-marketing products to make it worth while to join for free.

In conjunction with ClickBank, you could become an affiliate of ClickBliss, or any number of other programs that help you promote ClickBank products by giving you ad towers with your ClickBank ID links on them. You can put these towers on any and all of your webpages.

You could also consider promoting tangible items through an affiliate program like Commission Junction. Many of the big name stores use CJ to build their online affiliate base which gives you the opportunity to market just about anything any "brick and mortar" store in the world sells.

And there's a "new kid on the block" called PayDotCom that allows you to affiliate market both downloadable products and tangible drop shipped items.

4. Using Google AdSense:

Google AdSense, like ClickBliss, allows you to place a "tower" of ads on all of your web pages. Income is derived from your visitors clicking on the ads. Advertisers pay a certain amount per click to advertise with AdSense, and so you get a percentage of the revenue from each click received from your webpages.

Google AdSense is probably the number one income generator for niche markets. AdSense "senses" the content of your website and displays topic appropriate ads enabling you to keep your site completely targeted. As your readers read your content, AdSense shows them ads for further information about that very topic. Highly effective!

5. Selling on EBay:

From selling items you get from yard sales to being a drop shipping agent for corporate wholesalers, EBay give you many ways to generate an income. They charge a nominal fee to become an EBay Merchant, but it's well worth what you can earn through this outlet.

Regardless of which income avenue your choose, or if you choose to use combinations of the above, or all of them on the same campaign, the idea you need to remember is . . .

If you're going to be a successful Niche Marketer, you need to "think small to make it big."

Find targeted keywords about one topic, gather the products that most closely align with that topic, provide plenty of content about it, and promote your finished package to the people you think would value it the most.

Doing this over and over again with different keyword rich topics will have you bragging about your enormous income before you know it!

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Sinta is a Full Time Adsense Publisher and She Makes her
living from Adsense. She is passionate about sharing her Adsense Knowledge:
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The Value of an Annual Fee Directory

Internet directories can provide a great way to improve link popularity. With hundreds of web directories available, it can be difficult determining which directories provide the best link value. Perhaps the best value in today's directory universe is a quality directory with a recurring annual fee.

Web directories with a recurring annual fee generally contain fewer links, which helps minimize Pagerank dilution. Annual fee directories also contain higher quality websites. And finally, recurring fee directories feature less dead links and more modern content. An example of a quality annual fee directory is the SCM Business Directory.

Many webmasters and site promoters look for affordable, one-time fee directories. While this can be an effective strategy initially, one-time fee directories eventually fill up, which dilutes Pagerank benefits and inhibits advertising exposure. Recurring annual fee directories allow the directory operator to invest annual fee renewals into maintaining and growing the directory's own Pagerank and link popularity. The SCM Business Directory invests a portion of each link renewal in new advertising to promote longevity and Pagerank growth.

Because a recurring fee directory requires an annual fee, they tend to attract higher quality websites. If you submit your link to such a directory, your website is usually in "good company" and among other sites with relevant content.

Since a recurring fee directory must regularly verify a subscriber has paid the annual renewal fee, the pages of the directory are less populated with dead links and websites that have ceased operations. A recurring fee arrangement also helps keeps the directory pages fresh with modern content and the latest craze.

In summary, look for link opportunities with less competition, quality relevant content, and good Pagerank. A directory with a recurring annual fee may provide exactly what you are looking for.
The author, Michael Elder, provides strategic web design and search engine optimization consulting services and operates many websites including the SCM Business Directory.
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RSS For Dummies And Other Geniuses

I get quite a few emails like the one below, asking
for a simple guide to RSS...

"I read your information on RSS. Frankly, it was
frightening, as new things usually tend to be.
What you need is a tutorial for absolute dummies.
Your article moves too quickly into a form that is
reminiscent of people who it for is assumed know more
about web sites, source codes, and the like."

...This email is so true for the majority of
webmasters and I will try to provide the
simplest explanation of RSS as possible.

Fastest and easiest route to take:

Go to (owned by Google)
and create a free blog - in the process
you will create an RSS feed that you
can use to send your content/podcasts.
You can place this RSS feed on your site.

While there, look around, check out the FAQ and
read all the information on RSS and blogging. You
will discover every blog has an RSS feed attached
to it. It is a way of broadcasting/syndicating
your content to all interested parties.

Please understand, in most cases, your blog URL is
not the same as your Feed URL.

Also keep in mind, there are many ways to create
a blog/RSS feed on your site.

Another popular way is to use free blogging
software like WordPress (
- you can download their files and then you
upload them to your server. This does require some
knowledge of handling server files and scripts
but everything is conveniently explained.

Besides, the WordPress installation is
very straightforward and most webmasters
and site owners should be able to set up
a blog/rss feed without too much trouble.
There is also an excellent help section/forum
if you're a complete novice with handling
server-side scripts.

You have to realize RSS is only simple code
that syndicates your content to all interested
parties, it originally stood for 'Rich Site
Summary' and was a way of summarizing your
content and broadcasting it. Most people
now refer to RSS as 'Really Simple Syndication'.

It was mainly used by news groups and sites.
Dave Winer of UserLand and Scripting News
fame - created RSS in 1997.

Then we had the blogging revolution, which
spread RSS around the web, and into the
mainstream. Well, sort of, we are not quite
there yet!

Many believe RSS will fully come into its own
when Microsoft finally releases Windows Vista,
it will have RSS embedded in its source code.
The ordinary surfer won't have a clue what RSS is
and will still be using it in tons of applications.
As it should be, how many Internet users know what
DOS or even HTML are?

Once RSS becomes totally integrated into
the Internet and our browsing experience,
it will become even more important for
webmasters like yourself to full understand
RSS and what it can do for you and your

I believe every site should have at least
ONE RSS feed or blog.

There are only Three Questions/Problems
concerning RSS that keep popping up again and
again. These questions are answered simply

1. How do I create an RSS and Blog?

Answered above... use a free site like
which lets you publish your blog files to your own
server or use free blogging software such as WordPress.

2. How do I read my RSS or any RSS feed?

Several ways... you can read any RSS feed by using
an aggregator or RSS feed (news) reader like
Newsgator, Google Reader or you can use the Social
Bookmark feature present in some browsers like Mozilla
Firefox. As mentioned above, the next Windows will
have RSS embedded into its operating system.

3. How do I put my or anyone's RSS Feed or content
onto my site?

Several ways... you can try the popular to place your headlines and
feeds on your site. Another good one is - no programming
required - you can use JavaScript, PHP, or an

RSS for some unexplained reason, still remains
a little known and mysterious creature for most
webmasters and surfers. This is a bit troubling,
when you consider the growing importance RSS
will play in the overall function of the web.
A factor which makes RSS a subject that has to
be understood by webmasters, dummies and geniuses

Regardless of where you fit into that group, if
you need further help on RSS, see the resource box
for an online RSS tutorial and a simple downloadable
RSS Guide.


To add RSS to your Site within minutes - download this
simple RSS Report and Guide.
Or try this more technical RSS Tutorial
Copyright � 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely
distributed if this resource box stays attached.

This article is free for republishing

How much you can make from placing articles and affiliate program links on your website differs from person to person. How much you are able to make

You may or may not be aware that Royal Mail yesterday launched an online postage stamp service. The idea is you can open an account online pre fund it with your credit or debit card and print postage labels with bar codes at home for your packets.

PLEASE PLEASE take the time to read this, this new service is not only bad for your local post office it could be worse for you!!!!

Before you go rushing off to use this new Royal Mail service there are a few things you may want to consider, that you may not think about in the rush of excitement.

First Reactions

I would imagine the reaction of most ebayers on hearing of the new "pay your postage online service" would be "Great I don't have to queue in the post office" but let us just take a look at the pros and cons of "Do it yourself postage"

The Costs

Firstly, petty as this may sound consider this:

Who will be paying for the adhesive labels and ink to print all these trendy new labels??

That is correct YOU will, while your first reaction may be "but it's only pennies" is it? Do you know how much a4 sheets of adhesive computer printable labels are?? You already know that ink is expensive right?? And don't forget you need to print a full sheet at a time so you are not wasting labels. What if you only have 4 packets to send tomorrow. Yes you could print on normal paper, but do you really want to be trimming cutting and sellotaping and hoping your label doesn't fall off and your packet not be delivered to your customer?

Let's say the labels and ink only cost you �5 a month ( and thats being VERY conservative) well that's �60 per year MORE than you are paying now, and your costs probably already increased with the pricing by size changes.

But this doesn't matter because you don't pay the postage your buyers do! If Ebay traders are not careful the time will VERY QUICKLY arrive where the postage costs make buying a new item cheaper, or from an online store who offer free delivery. DON'T burst your own bubble people!

But At Least I Won't Have To Queue At The Post Office

Really? You have your bag of packages at home with your internet postage labels all attached at your expense. That doesn't alter the fact you STILL have to take them to the post office. The staff there are very nice people, however they WILL NOT be allowing anyone to just come in and dump a bag of mail in the corner. That is a health and safety hazard and post offices are public buildings that BY LAW have to follow health and safety practices. So you will STILL have to wait your turn in the queue to hand your bag of packages to the staff.

Sure you can try cramming them in a letter box if the items you sell are small enough, but you may find if just one other ebayer beats you to it, the box is full.


I have a friend who does a lot of selling on ebay. He purchased a set of "Digital Ebay Scales" online, certified to be accurate for the bargain price of �29.99.

He went to the post office all prepared with his estimates written on his packages, nearly all of them were wrong because the scales weren't accurate. Don't kid yourselves to buy a set of scales sensitive enough to weigh letters ACCURATELY will cost you in excess of �300.

The BIG issue

Do you use a nice local post office????? Whether or not you are aware of it, most local post offices are actually sub post offices, they are private businesses they are NOT owned by the Post Office themselves they are agents or franchises.

Like any business they have overheads, staff to pay and profits to make to stay open. If you turn up with your bag of mail sure they HAVE to take it from you but they have made no money at all from your visit, how long do you think that will last???

One thing I am almost sure you know is how many small post offices have closed down all over the country in recent years. Why did they close down? Because the post office lost out on many pensions that are now paid directly into the bank, that was a big chunk of their business. Then as you also know the government in its wisdom gave TV licensing to another company. More of the business gone. They are also trying to promote that people tax their cars online, more of the business gone. One of the few things that has helped your local post offices stay open is Ebay packets and post. Take that away and you WILL see even more offices close.

What happens when more small post offices close down because business is being taken away??? Where do you take your packages then??? To a main post office which now has even larger queues because the smaller local offices closed.

Where are most the main offices??? In town and city centres where you will be paying �3 plus parking every time you want to post your items????

If these offices go, what happens if the website is down or wont take your card???

Still think this service is a good idea and will save you time??? Well it really is up to you, like every other thing in life it really is a case of use it or lose it. Please think carefully which is more inconvenient queuing for 10 minutes in your local post office when it is busy, or trecking all the way into a town or city centre, parking up and lugging your mail to a main office to send off .

We build websites for a living and are all for online shopping and transactions, however neither us or our clients want to see the distribution network that sends our goods get closed down.

In our humble opinion this new service looks like a time saver, but in the long run it will cost your business more money and time.

Please feel free to send a link to this page to any uk merchant you may know who sells online

"About the author"
Gary McHugh is owner of a site dedicated to quality ecommerce stores.
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Making Money with Articles: How Much Can I Make?

How much you can make from placing articles and affiliate program links on your website differs from person to person. How much you are able to make will depend mostly on how successful your site is. This means getting good search engine rankings through SEO efforts, making your site enjoyable and informative to read through engaging content, building your site around a great niche subject, how big your site is, and how many sites you have.

Some people claim to make as much as $10,000 per month ($120,000 per year) through building and promoting niche sites, however, most people should not expect this kind of success, especially if you are very new, as that kind of success usually only comes with experience and acquired skill. A reasonable income to expect from a niche site, after you have worked for months to gain traffic and are hooked up with good affiliates, may be $500-$1,000 per month. However this is recurring income, so you will make that much monthly off of the efforts you put into that one site, it is not a one shot deal.

After you have a successful site, most choose to continue to build niche sites. The more sites that you build, the better an income you can generate. Some also choose to build very fast and very short sites over sites that are slightly longer in length. It should be noted that the larger each of your sites are, the more income you will likely generate off of them.

When starting out, it is important to remember that your first site will always be your hardest, since you are just learning the ropes of the business, and that not everyone is cut out to market and promote niche sites. It may not work out for you and you may end up losing a little bit of money, but that is a risk that everyone in this business has to take.

The important thing is that you don't give up without a good shot at it, if this is really what you want to do. Your first site may take a long time, the work may be tedious, and you may feel like throwing in the towel. However, if you give up too early, you will never know what could have been. And who knows, you may be the next great website marketer!

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Visit for more articles. Webmasters can submit their articles and Visitors can browse through the quality articles.
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Adsense Advertiser Alternatives

Many people have started using Google's AdSense program, but there are some who find it a bit too uncertain or simply not suiting their own requirements from an ad program.

But thankfully for such people, there are many alternatives to AdSense which attempt to alleviate some of its shortcomings. Here is a list of the most noteworthy ones from the lot with a description concerning each one.

AllFeeds (
AllFeeds has a great pool of online advertisers to choose from. It also features many display formats that you can choose from. These include banners, buttons, XML feeds, DHTML pop-ups and so on. It also features real time reporting of your ad status. The site will mail a check every month, provided that you earn more then $25.00, while rolling over earnings for the next month if you don't. Another interesting thing about AllFeeds is that it integrates with Google AdSense, maximizing your earnings with AdSense.

MarketBanker (
MarketBanker allows you the unique possiblity to set the pricing for your site. It also allows you to allow or reject any link that appears on your site (although AdSense itself does a very good job of this as well, with URL filters) There's also a statistics section which will allow you to see how well your site is doing. The ads are small just like AdSense's and they're just as easy to set up. Also, registration for MarketBanker is free.

BidClix (
BidClix is different because it has advertisers compete for clicks on your site, which in turn is meant to generate the highest possible profits for your page. It also has a very large pool of advertisers which ensure there are plenty of people to choose your site. However, it does require more polish on site contents then AdSense. As most sites, real time statistics are available and its very easy to get started with this service, but it's also very flexible.

Chitika (
RealContext uses Artificial intelligence to retrieve the most relevant ads for your page. And there's an extra feature which makes RealContext unique as well. Keywords are selected based upon which previous selections payed off and which didn't. That means there's a constant feedback process that ensures you gain better revenue from your ads. It also supports blocking certain adds and child-safe filtering and many more options.

AdHearus (
AdHearus is a very feature-packed contextual ad provider. As with AdSense, advertisements are targeted but it doesn't stop here at all. The ads are very flexible, you can select from text-ads, banners, rectangles, pop-ups, pop-unders or skyscrapers. You can also display your own ads, through rotation, both on your site and on other affiliate sites, which makes AdHearus a hybrid with conventional advertising technologies. There's a very comprehensive on-line real time reporting feature and, as usual with such services, starting out is free and it's a breeze.

AffiliateSensor (
AffiliateSensor has highly customizable ad blocks, which you can make for yourself with an easy to use on-line interface. You also get realtime reporting with clicks-by-domain, page and refferer. There's integration with Google AdSense as well, through the google_alternate_ad_url so AffiliateSensor can be used as a substitute for Google PSA's (Public Service Ads).

Kanoodle Bright Ads (
Kanoodle's offering allows publishers to get ads related to topics or segments, and not the traditional keyword oriented ads. The site also groups publisher sites with advertisers by hand to ensure high-revenue generating ads. And speaking of revenue, the amount of money you receive is a clear 50% share of the amount of money Kanoodle recieves for an advertiser.

TargetPoint (
TargetPoint is oriented more towards content publishers. It offers full control over the look the ads, statistics over your site's overall performance and better revenue. It's free to register and you earn a guaranteed 60% of the total revenue. You can get payed with Paypal of Bank checks and (most times) wire transfers as well.

Clicksor (
Clicksor will earn you as much as 60% from the amount of money your website produces. What you get is about the same as AdSense, there are targeted text ads, you can view the revenues from your website in real time. You can receive money via PayPal or through a check every two weeks, provided that you have earned more then $50. If you haven't made that much, your earning roll over to the next period

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What is an Affiliate Program?

Are you trying to find a great affiliate program? Here is how affiliate programs work. The person promoting the projects is the affiliate, and the company with the products is the merchant. The merchant (company) pays a percentage of any sales resulting from any click through (via banner or text link) to their web site from an affiliate partner's website. Many webmasters and internet gurus are doing very well with only a handful of affiliate programs. Once you find a good one, you kind of seem to get stuck on it until you are positive you are making every penny possible. Before spending a lot of time and money marketing an affiliate program, always check it out first.

Once you start making sales, you will want to keep good records of the transactions. Personally, I use an Excel spreadsheet for the daily sales, and then input everything into QuickBooks once a month. It is also a good idea to keep all emails you get regarding sales. Many programs give you an option of receiving an email every time a sale is made. This is a great way of staying on top of your sales and also provides you with a record of transactions.

You are probably wondering how to get started with Affiliate Marketing. There are tons of places to learn more about becoming an Affiliate. I have written a great program to help people get started in the business. You can find it and my affiliate program directory at my website below. You will need an arsenal of tools to be a successful affiliate, and so I recommend reading a few different eBooks or guides on the subject and comparing the tools. The small investment you make in these educational materials will well worth the money.

Many people try Affiliate Marketing for a few days, and then when they do not have a sale, they give up. It does take work, so don't expect to get rich overnight. However, if you put some time and effort into the business, you can reap great rewards. I have an excellent guide now available at the Affiliate Cash Pilot at

John is a contributor to the Affiliate Cash Pilot, a guide to Affiliate Programs at

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Monetize your site with interstitial ads

The most common form of monetizing a website is pay per click (PPC) text ads popularized in recent years by Google's AdSense program. Another common form of advertising is using banners; banner advertising was popular in the early days of the web but has lost its effectiveness in recent years since most people have learned to ignore it. Another form of advertising is interstitial ads that usually appear in pop up windows or as full page ads in the current window in-between content pages. Pop up/under ads have lost their effectiveness since web browsers have been improved to block them. However, a full page in-between content interstitial cannot be blocked and as such it is still a viable and effective advertising method.

Interstitials are routed in methods found in traditional media advertising that interrupts the flow of content to show ads. For example, a TV program is interrupted every few minutes to show commercials. Similarly on the web, interstitial ads are shown to a visitor just before he is redirected to a requested content page. These are full page ads that show the advertiser's website in full view. The site is usually shown for a fixed amount of time, i.e., 30 seconds, and then the surfer is redirected to the requested content page. In addition, the user is given an option to skip the ad and proceed immediately to his original destination.

A publisher who uses interstitial ads is paid on a pay per click basis, i.e., whenever someone clicks on the ad. The payment model is thus similar to pay per click contextual text ads. Interstitial ads can potentially have a higher click through rate (CRT) because they are shown in a more prominent position than text ads. In addition, displaying a site's front page can usually be more appealing to a surfer than say a two sentence text ad.

The main success of PPC text ads stems from the fact that they are non-intrusive and in the case of Google's AdSense mostly relevant to a person's interests. Displaying an interstitial ad every time a visitor requests a different page on your website will be mostly annoying resulting in lost visitors and PPC revenue. As a result, networks that sell interstitial advertising make sure that each unique visitor is only shown an ad a small number of times per visit and page request.

The most effective interstitial advertising program that I have found is that offered by AdBrite. In their system ads are frequency capped at once per user per day such that they are not annoying. For my network of websites, AdBrite's CTR has been higher than Google's contextual text ads and to this day I never had a user complain about the interstitial ads being intrusive. AdBrite also makes it easy to setup the display of interstitial ads on your website requiring that you only add a few lines of JavaScript code that they supply. Finally, AdBrite allows publishers to specify keywords to better target the ads shown helping publishers to maximize their profits.
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Adsense Dedicated forum !

Earning money with google adsense is the dream of every webmaster. Unfortunately making money with google adsense is not as easy as you might think it would be. In order to earn money it is necessary to optimize your website for adsense.

Atoogle forum helps you find the best techniques in order to make the best adsense compatible website possible ! On the forum discuss with webmasters about your various experiences with google adsense, find tutorials on how to integrate adsense
to your website in order to earn money. Find hints, strategies, optimize your site with the correct high paying keywords ! Discuss about ready made adsense templates, are they worth it ? How do you promote your site in oreder to get traffic and increase your CTR rate ? All of this can be found on !

Atoogle is a real interactive community that will help you in the development of your websites with google adsense. This forum is unique, there is no other forum online that is totally dedicated to google adsense. is clearly going to become a massive forum where all adsense webmasters will want to come and discuss and find useful information. Soon a must of for adsense webmasters !
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Deadly Webmaster Disease - SiteRightItis

Interesting title and maybe it made you smile, however for some webmasters this is a very real condition. Do you have it? I hope not, but you can find out by reading on. Hopefully if you are infected with this disease then this article should immunize you and ensure you a long and healthy webmaster life. (I'll send you the bill for the immunization later)

Ok let's get serious. I have spent many years helping all sorts of web businesses get off the ground from info sites to entire shopping malls, I have built them all. What is always interesting to me is to see is which sites stay around and which disappear after a few months.

Over the past few years I have noticed something very interesting. A small percentage of my clients are constantly tweaking their sites, adding this feature, adding that feature, changing the look of this page, changing the look of that page, in essence trying to create the "Perfect" site. For me this is not a bad thing as I get paid for editing and installation services. However I often tell clients they don't need this or that and try and re-focus them a little on what they SHOULD be doing. I do have a reputation of "telling it how it is" but In my defense I could not do otherwise, I believe we sometimes need to hear wat we NEED to hear not what we want to hear.

Here is what I discovered, the webmasters that spend the most time tweaking and perfecting their sites don't have anywhere near the visitors my busiest clients do. Now while wanting your site to be "perfect" may seem like a good positive thing, it can be fraught with danger. The reason for the lack of visitors to these "tweaking" sites is simple, they spend hundreds of hours worrying about cosmetics and features, and next to no time promoting their business. Some of them even blamed the layout of the site and not the lack of promotion for its poor visitor numbers and lack of profit.

Websites are no different from traditional bricks and mortar businesses. You can have the most beautiful restaurant in the country, serving the best food on a little back street somewhere, but unless people know where it is it will fail. Well the internet is FULL of tiny back streets and your business is on one of the smallest until you promote it, get busy, and move to one of the busier streets where word of mouth brings you most your trade.

I remember many years ago when I started my first site, I did at least have the common sense to realize that I knew very little about running an online business, and went and signed myself up for a few webmaster newsletters to gleam some tips and advice from those more experienced. I will never forget the very first email I ever received from one of those webmaster sites, it's subject was "KISS" which stood for "Keep It Simple Stupid" Something I have never forgotten.

Sure your site needs to look nice, but what is way more important is the content and the navigation. If I visit a flower site to order flowers for my mum's birthday, then what I want to see when I get there is FLOWERS!

Yes my eyes will be met with the "overall look" when I land on the home page of the site, if it looks messy maybe I won't order. If it has a nice professional look then great I have a good impression, but believe me when I say this, I will not stop to think about how your site looks any further than that. I just want to buy flowers not do a review on your sites design or feature list.

An example: This is one of my clients sites the lady that owns this site UNDERSTANDS the above. She UNDERSTANDS that web users are busy impatient creatures and just want to see the goods. Notice she even added a button in her top navigation called "In A Rush?" That leads to a page that basically says, if you are busy instead of wasting time looking through all our categories let us design a lovely bouquet for you. Which product do you think her site sells most of???? You got it, the florists choice bouquets. I rest my case, her visitors want flowers not a pretty site or a live chat feature.

By the same token and this may offend some of you but it's how things are. I am really not interested in a large "about us paragraph on your home page, for goodness sake build an "about us" page and put it in your navigation, if I want to know more about you I'll find it. Right now I'm thinking about my mothers birthday, I just want to see the flowers, know how much they cost and how much delivery is. Try to keep your opening paragraph to a few lines then show me the product.

If you run a service or information site then tell me briefly about the service or information you offer, then give me a nice clear navigation so I can look around and get more details on the service or information I am interested in. KEEP IT SIMPLE!

Think for one moment about some of the biggest earning sites on the web. Is Paypal loaded with graphics and layout??? No it is very simple, clean and easy to navigate. Take a look at Ebay, the first thing you see are products and categories and a search box. Let's not forget the mother of all simple designs Google what is it? A search engine, whats the first thing you see??? A search box, get it???

There was a lot of publicity recently about the free dating site "plenty of fish" is that a design masterpiece??? NO in fact it's quite ugly, but that site earns over $500,000 A MONTH! What is the first thing you see there?? Dating search, dating ads and dating profiles, not "Plenty of fish was established in 1995 and our primary mission blah blah blah" What do you think the folks at plenty of fish spend their time on? (apart from counting their money) Design? Trendy features?? Hell no! PROMOTION!!!!!

Do you get the point??? SiteRightItis is no different from "I'm just waiting for the right time" or "I'll quit smoking before im 40" it is a form of procrastination hidden behind a rationalized creative reason. I never did like the word rationalize try a different spelling with the same sound "rational lies".

Ask yourself this: Does my site look nice?? Yes? Great! Am I hitting my visitors with the info, service or products they came for as soon as they reach my site??? Yes?? Great! Is my site easy to get around for visitors and for search engines??? Yes?? Great!

Here's some very complicated advice if you answered yes to all the above:


Exchange links, list in directories, post in forums, list in search engines, write articles, join some text link exchanges, use the bigger Pay per click search engines and advertise a little. Promote your site in every legal and ethical way you can.

In closing some final reminders:
Other than an initial 5 second glance 90% of your visitors don't care about the quality of your site design, as long as it looks ok and is easy to get around. They are interested in information, products or services.

Promote Promote Promote! The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!

About the Author

Gary McHugh is the author of many website related articles and owner of 2001 Web a complete web hosting and design service for webmasters of all levels of experience.

You can read more of his articles here
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Benefits of a Beauty Adsense Website

Benefits of a Beauty Adsense Website - Women search the internet everyday for a way to look and feel more beautiful. Beauty is fun and always changing. Your website would never run out of topics to discuss or fun interactive ways to get your visitors involved. Here are some ideas to get your beauty themed website idea started.


Beauty Tips
Applying Makeup
Seasonal Looks
What's Hot Right Now
Hair Styles
Beauty During the Day
Beauty at Night

Tips on how to create the perfect cat eye effect.
How to make your lips look plumper.
A French manicure at home.
Fashion on a budget.
Product reviews.
Interactive Areas

Beauty boutique directory
Message forums
Ask a beauty expert
Home made makeup recipes
Beauty item auctions
Printable Hair Style Sheets to Take to The Salon
Keywords to Use

Eye shadow
Lip stick
Lip gloss
Hair products
Freebies to Give Away

Top 10 beauty buys free report
Weekly makeup application tip.
Color chart for skin and eyes.
Samples of products.
Creative Marketing Tip

Give a free e-Book of makeup application tips to all makeup boutiques or fashion stores to give to their customers as an incentive to purchase.
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Can you abuse your mailing list?

You have this great nifty mailing list, people subscribe and you give them this exclusive eBook or article, it's done, you have fulfilled the free offering and your subscriber is feeling rather excited. Now what you do with that subscriber can make or break you.

Let us look at the How and Why.

Doing my own research, I signed up for 20 well-known Internet marketers' sites giving me "free bonuses". It started off rather well, I subscribed, got my free bonuses and that was that... or was it? Later that night I got five emails from the 20 or so lists I signed up for, all of them telling me about these "super new cool affiliate programs to double my money in less than 24 hours". I spent the time going through each one reading their whole "dear friend" spiel, clicking on all their links, and reading their affiliate pages. At first, I thought it was cool, I felt like I had my finger on the pulse of marketing � getting the information before it was to hit mainstream. Although soon I was receiving more than one email a day from 18 of those lists, none of them ever was giving me real information. They just pushed some new (and sometimes old) affiliate programs down my throat. As the weeks progressed, it got worse, there were these "ramp up" sales pitches, you know which ones I'm talking about. Such and such is about to launch his "great new affiliate program", it's going to make millions, be one of the first to sign up, it doesn't start till 6 hours from now. Two hours later and I receive another email from the same mailing list basically restating what it said the first time only with 4 hours to go. What the heck dude? You think I don't remember the first email you sent two hours ago?

Now not all of them were this way, I had two lists that I am still on today. The reason I chose to stay on those two lists were that they did not make me feel like sheep. In the 5-month span, I got maybe 1 email a month or every 10 days from them. That is what I call reasonable; one even went on to give me real information about marketing without trying to sell me anything.

So the question, how can you abuse your mailing list? By taking advantage of the subscriber and the ability to email at will, use it sparingly and you will most definitely see better results.

Why do people abuse their mailing lists? Well I would love to say it is because they are new and ignorant, however I tested 20 well-known marketers and 98% of them abused their list. Therefore, the question begs to be answered, why. I believe there is this false idea on the web that if you shove something down a person's throat enough, eventually they will accept it. The reason I believe this to be false is that, through the Internet, people are becoming more aware of such tactics and thus becoming immune to their abilities to incite a purchase. In the past if, you signed up for a mailing list and there was no way to unsubscribe, you were pretty much screwed. You could just delete the emails, but they still made it to your inbox for viewing. However, in contrast, it is now far easier to filter out those unwanted lists. For example, my program gives me this nifty blacklist button next to email addresses � with one click of a button I never see mail from that person again, which by the way is what I used to dispatch those other 18 mailing lists. Then again, the reason people abuse their lists could be something simple. If you are in dire need of money or sales because you are not getting enough money, you are more likely to spam your list. If your subscriber-to-purchase ratio drops, you may begin to panic and spam your list.

I would argue that those who feel the need to spam their lists are probably not doing as well as they lead people to believe. They are probably struggling to bring in the money to cover their expenses and this deep frustration lends its hand to unscrupulous tactics. They could have been very successful at one point and now things are starting to slow down, so they resort to any tactic they can try.

So the question, why do you abuse your mailing list? Out of necessity or out of ignorance, both of which your subscribers could care less about.

Now that I have shown you that it is possible to abuse your list, what should you do?

Protect your mailing list; it is your greatest asset as an Internet entrepreneur. To steal a quote from Spiderman, "With great lists come great responsibilities". A person who subscribes to your list to receive a free bonus is more likely to continue on your list, if after those bonuses, you do not spam them with affiliate programs, every day. An email once a month or every 10 days is very acceptable. Use your list with discretion.
Tony Devlin is a founding partner of IDM Firm, a company specializing in Web, Design and Internet Marketing. Co-Owner of Web Economy Central, an upcoming site that talks about the economy on the web and how you can capitalize on it.
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Poker affiliate programs – Look beyond the obvious

if you have a site about poker, casinos or gambling in general, you stand a good chance of making a nice profit by using various affiliate programs. But, choosing a program solely on its pay per sale percentage won’t necessarily maximize your revenue. Looking at your visitors – and what they are looking for – will make it easier to choose a new poker affiliate program.

The online gambling industry is one of the most profitable niches for an affiliate marketer. But, due to its potential revenue, the competition is very hard, and you really need to make the most of every single visitor you get.

The more information you can gather about your visitors, the easier it gets to choose the right affiliate program suiting their needs. Much information can be accessed from your website statistics – or from the account statistics if you are buying traffic with contextual ads. What search terms attract the most traffic? Do you know exactly why they are arriving and where? If the most common search term is very general in its nature, it can be hard to know exactly what the visitors are looking for, but if you are getting visitors from more specific search terms, you should have a pretty good idea as to what your visitors are interested in.

Once you have evaluated your visitors’ needs, it’s time to figure out how to meet them. If you are getting search engine traffic for any term related to poker bonuses, odds are many of your visitors are looking for just that. No matter how good the affiliate program’s percentage, if they do not offer a bonus high enough – or no bonus at all -, most of your visitors won’t sign up, hence not making you a commission. Instead, this would give you an excellent opportunity to find as many poker rooms possible with high sign up bonuses, and hopefully many of your visitors will come back to find a new poker room with a good bonus once they are done with their first choice.

In the same manner you can find affiliate programs matching most keywords, if you have visitors you KNOW are looking for one particular thing – no matter if it’s poker bonuses, omaha tables or stud – you should try to present them with products and services matching their needs on an as detailed level as possible.

Assuming you have a somewhat good knowledge in the niche you are working within, finding this kind of information can be done rapidly, but the more effort you put into finding the correct casino- or poker affiliate program, the better your traffic will convert. Most often the poker rooms offer trial accounts, making it free and easy to check out both the software, type of games and whether or not it’s a busy poker room or not. All this information is highly important for knowing IF you should use the affiliate program in question, as well as for the marketer choosing what commission plan to use.

The more information you can get hold of – both about your visitors and about the affiliate programs – the better. You should always evaluate the programs joined, to ensure they are converting as expected.

Theo Swan is writing about choosing the right payment model when joining a gambling related affiliate program. Read more of Theo's thoughts at Affiliate Ranker.
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The Way To Earn Big Money Online

In this article I am going to be writing about internet marketing strategies that work. These are tried and tested techniques that I have and am currently using to market my own websites. You do not need to have a massive amount of money to make it the big money online, what you do need is a big heart, a willingness to work hard and most importantly a determination to succeed. I hope this article is of great benefit and enables other web marketers to make a living from the net.

I have been attempting to earn money via the internet for around nine years now. I have made a lot of mistakes in that time and have basically wasted a lot of cash. Now of course we all make mistakes, some more than others, the people who gernerally succeed are the ones who learn from their errors.

One of the biggest mistakes people make, indeed it was a mistake I also made many moons ago, is to try and make it big in a short space of time. This in my opinion is just not possible unless you have an unlimited amount of funds that is. Lets face it, most of us are not in that position.

What has worked for me is finding a network of people/friends who are online and whom I can trust. These people have the same type of ambitions as I do, to make money online. They too, they will openly admit, have made errors but are willing to work hard. A big saying in my world is what I call shared knowledge. When you find something that is of value or that works, you then share it with your internet network. Of course when you attempt something that basically fails you also share this knowledge with the network.

Each person in the network will have different skills. Some may excell in web promotion, others in seo and others in finding quality link partners. In the end the whole network becomes stonger, more experienced and all importantly, a whole lot richer.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:


stuttering treatments

cheap audio books online
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Internet directory : the right way to improve your page rank

In order to arrive at a better-quality web site visibility by the search engines rankings has become a crucial requirement in today’s virtual world.
The growing usage of directories similar to The Leading Links Directory serves the obligation of each commercial body on the road to an increase in its traffic.
This should be accomplished by means of increasing its internet visibility on the net.
The optimum means to make that maybe to become listed with a link directory. The process of such an internet directory saves you the time of exploring for each company goal sites.
This hunt might probably happen to be a time consuming effort as there is a rising figure of sites which make the discovery of this information knowingly difficult as so to attempt and to reject spam or mechanical submissions.
Of course the directories should be search engine friendly and to experience a decent page rank, and only than you can cause the operation of directory submission to become an operative and also an essential instrument for online marketing.
In doing it appropriately you will be able to achieve a better place with search engines results and have the advantage of getting your website indexed, plus obviously catch a click through Traffic in the direction of your website.

Presently there seem to exist a growing discussion taking place on the net whether directories are worth submitting to them. There are those who would as that it’s a time waste submitting your internet site that even a massive figure of directories are useless, those still put their faith at the search engine rankings in the web, nonetheless many of the webmasters fail on the way to understand the difference amongst the search engines to the directories.
This breakdown to distinguish these two may possibly guide into a Hugh fall down within the effectiveness of using internet directories to try and increase the sites page rank and furthermore to produce web traffic, to the website.
The programmed "spiders" that are being used through the search engines whose sole target is to blindly pull together info. From within the web pages so as to add them on their database. That is why search engines in addition use the services of human editors to try and examine web pages prior to when they are stored onto their directories.
That is one reason why it’s critical that you cautiously select the directory you want.
We at The Leading Links Directory believe the means of human editor can generate a disparity as well as that an imperfectly designed web site which is not well designed may be distinguished through search engines as an unconstructive web site. That is the main reason we specifically use chosen special human edited sites and also preserve recurring maintenance and inspection on our website including its variety of categories.
When you submit your internet site to a internet directory whether it’s a free web directory or else a paid internet directory, it is essential to check it from time to time and to make sure that errors (if there might be any) are corrected, and then that any of the data might be found on the site is up to date consistently. That way you are most likely to identify you chose the utterly best website for you.

To cut a long story short there are a few persons who may claim that the way of using directories are just a handful of websites containing categories, only a group of links collected from within the internet world.
Though they really are a system used for internet surfers in order to easily find the internet links they were trying to find, with the operation of pre fixed categories, just as Alternative Medicine as well as Sports and Fitness, each and every one of them enclosing accurate information and data about exactly those subjects, without the need to misplace helpful working time examining the internet for it, and also the use of the sub-categories makes the act of "fishing" for data and information even still easier.
But for you it’s a great tool to move up your site’s popularity in the list of the search engines rankings.
When choosing the web directory fitting you, an all purpose one or maybe a specific one that would really portrays your site, inside the web directory you can decide the appropriate category and also sub category in order to display your website.
Previous to submitting your internet site to an internet directory might call for a scrap of work, but it can bring you the search engine rankings that your internet site must obtain!
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Increase Online Traffic - Using Yahoo Answer To Increase Online Traffic

To increase online traffic is the most important factor for any webmaster to make money, it is also the most important skill to learn for any online business to survive.

There are many FREE ways to drive traffic to your website, online business owners without a huge advertising budget will be able to take advantage of it. The only question is how to do it and what strategies to apply. There is a common misconception that many webmasters have, they think that free forms of traffic are low in quality. In fact it is not! It's all depend on what kind of sources you are using.

In this article, I am going to talk about using Yahoo Answer to increase online traffic to your website. Will you be interested?

I properly don't have to tell you that Yahoo Answers works in a very simple way, any users will ask questions and any users can answer their questions. Yahoo Answers seems to be the perfect solution for most people. When they need help, they will post a question at Yahoo Answer and people around the world will provide them with an answer to solve their problem. So what does this have to do with increase online traffic?

Go to Yahoo Answer and look at the people answering the questions, you will realise that many of them aren't utilizing it to their advantage of driving traffic to their websites! When you help someone out, you build direct trust, and when you take the next step to offer a greater solution to help them even further, you increase your sales. This is very similar to Forum marketing.

There are so many different niches and markets to choose from so you are bound to be an expert in a certain area. Go to Yahoo Answer and look for questions that are posted on your niches. Help them by posting a good Answer and provide them with a link to your website. You got it. People will always have problems, your products and services will help them to solve their problems. Once you build trust with them, they will click on your link to see what you can offer to help them. Remember that solving a problem equals a higher conversion in sales or commission.

It is a great way to increase online traffic using Yahoo Answer, because visitors that click on your link are very targeted traffic and they are also very potential customers. It is a waste if you do not make use of this source to drive traffic to your website.

This article is written by Vincent T. Learn how to effectively drive traffic to your website or affiliate site using Yahoo Answer, you may visit: Increase Online Traffic

How to make your Website a Success in Three Simple Steps

There are thousands of things to think about when making a website, but making your website successful just comes down to these three basic things. It is really quite simple but I wouldn’t go as far as calling it easy because there is work involved. But it is work you are going to love.

1. Do something you are passionate about
2. Add a new page of content to your site every day
3. Get a new external link to your site every day

Do something you are passionate about

This may sound a bit funny but it is the single most important thing you can do when building a website. You should never consider making a website because of the earning potential of it. You should do something you will really enjoy doing. Every subject imaginable will be a viable source of revenue in a website. You are passionate about the subject right? Other people are too. And they will come to your site.

There is another very fundamental aspect to having passion for the subject. You will be able to use and leverage what you already know about it. This means that all the learning you have done is instantly available for use on the website. That’s a lot of information. But also, if you are passionate about the subject you are very much more likely to continue working on the website. Thus avoiding the biggest thing that causes websites to fail: The webmaster gives up.

Add a new page of content every day

This serves three very important purposes. The first purpose is that when you get a new web visitor he or she may come back another day to see if there is anything new. If there is nothing new he or she may never come back. But if there is new content you have a frequent visitor hooked, and the search engines love new content. If a website is growing at a regular pace they consider it to be very important and they will rank you accordingly. This means that more people will find you, and finding new content when they come back means more visits, which means better search engine ranking. Can you see how this can spiral into something unexpectedly pleasant? It takes time but it will happen.

Get an external link every day

Try to get one new link to your website on another website every day. There are many different ways you can do this. Send emails to other webmaster in your general subject area and ask for a link exchange. Write articles for article directories and put a link to your site at the bottom of the article. Post informative stuff to forums and use your signature block as a link to your site. Join an online group or organization and post links to your site on their site or in their message threads. There are a thousand ways you can get links to your site.
As you try to improve your website and get more people to visit you are going to learn about a tremendous amount of things, tricks, techniques, processes, and methods for doing it. Just stick to these three simple rules and your website will, over time, become a substantial success. It won’t happen overnight but it will happen.

Learn how to use a website to bring out your passion and creativity on the author’s blog:
The Creative Webmaster – Forging the Iron of Creativity on the Anvil of a Website

To see a website built simply for the creative joy of it:

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