Thursday, July 26, 2007

Traffic Building - How to Increase Web Site Traffic and Your Profits Exponentially

What do you feel any internet marketer's most burning question might be?

How can I make more money this week?
How much is my advertising bill going to be this month?
How can I get more subscribers?
How can I start creating more profits online?
How can I increase my web site traffic?

Whether you are a newbie or a veteran internet marketer, you have asked yourself those kind of questions more than once, right?

You think, if you could just get more traffic to your web site, you could make more money, at least enough to cover the advertising cost again this month, but it just never seems to get better for you… the more web site traffic you get the more your advertising costs are, and you just never seem to quite make enough money without a constant struggle.

So How You can Increase Your Profits without Spending more!

Let's say you have an affiliate product that retails for $47.00, and you hope to sell 60 next month for a total of $2820 sales, you will get 50% commission paid within 30 days of each sale for $1410 cash flow.

You estimate that 2% of the sales page visitors will actually buy your product.

Your past experience shows that Google PPC Ad may send 2% of the ad views to your capture page or sales page .

You will need 150,000 ad views to send 3000 visitors @ maximum of $0.47 to generate the 60 sales worth $1410 to you just to break even.

Here is one way to increase your profits when you can't increase web site traffic for whatever reason?

- You don't own the product so you cannot change the sale price.
- You cannot change the 50% commission unless you find a different product
- If you can just sell 10 more units, you will increase your cash flow by $235 or 16.6%….not bad

Oops! Hold on a second…

It just cost you another $235 for the 500 clicks to get the 10 more sales, so that didn't work too well.

What if you could figure out how to get those 60 sales from 2000 visitors instead of 3000.

That is only a 1% change in the conversion rate:
60 sales/2% conversion = 3000 visitors
60 sales/3% conversion = 2000 visitors

Your profit would now be $470 instead of $0 or just breaking even!

1% improvement in conversion rate results in an exponential increase in profits of 470% in this case.

The point is most internet marketers always focus on increasing web site traffic rather than improving the results they are getting from the traffic they are already have.

Don't ever let anybody tell you it can't be done, it's not easy but it is absolutely possible.

Improving conversion by only .5% in the case above would have yielded more than 200% increase in profits ($235)

Sales Results are measured in profits, not by increase in web site traffic!

If you want to learn more about how web site traffic impacts creating profits online, click here now: Traffic Building

How you can learn the art of creating profits online quickly, visit here now: Creating Profits On-Line

Leo Hanes is an experienced full time internet marketer, that writes extensively on the topic of traffic building and creating profits online.
This article is free for republishing

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